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Grey Brick Wall

The good news 

God created all of humanity and the known universe and it was perfect. He made us for fellowship with Him so that we would pursue after His love, and we could enjoy perfect relationship with Him. (Colossians 1:16)

Soon after God created man and woman, they were deceived and chose their own way instead of obedience to God. The act of choosing ourselves over God is sin and once sin entered humanity, it corrupted all of creation including the relationship we have with God. We are also sinners because of our own disobedience towards Him.

(Romans 3:12) (Genesis 6:11-12)

In Gods perfect justice, He cannot be in relationship with our sinful nature and requires a that a penalty must be paid. The penalty for our sin is death and to be eternally separated from God in spirit, which causes never-ending suffering in hell.

(Romans 2:12) (James 1:14-15)

God was not satisfied with our punishment being the end result, with no way out. He still desired to be with us as we were created. In His great love and mercy, God chose to become the man Jesus Christ and sacrificed Himself to pay our penalty. Jesus being fully man and also completely God, lived a perfect life, becoming the acceptable payment that God required. (Galatians 4:4-5)

Jesus in complete obedience to God and love for us, chose to be betrayed by his closest friends, publicly mocked, tortured, and then killed on a cross. In His death, Jesus took the sin of all humanity upon Himself and God punished Him for the sin we committed. With the sins of the world now laid upon Jesus in the grave, God raised Jesus back from the dead, destroying sin and the power of death.

(Philippians 2:8) (Hosea 13:14)

God promises that through faith in Jesus, we will also be raised to life with Him. If we confess and believe that Jesus died for our sin, and then rose again, then we will be redeemed back to God for all eternity in heaven. With this gift of grace, God has made a way for us to be back in relationship and experience His perfect love. 

(1 Corinthians 15:20-22) (Romans 10:9-10) (Romans 5:1-2)


In the midst of any struggle, the irrational peace of God can take over your heart right where you are. You do not have to be enslaved to fear, sadness, anxiety, or addiction anymore. The same power of the Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, can come dwell in your life and give you the power to overcome. Not only can you break free, but you will be made alive in Christ Jesus. You can live with joy and peace and feel the deepest possible love from God. He will never let go of you and will never abandon you, despite any circumstance.

If you want to experience this gracious life that God is offering through Jesus, then you can confess to Him in prayer right now where you are: 
“God, I admit that I have failed you, by choosing my own desires. I believe that you love me and by your grace, sent Jesus to die for me and raised Him from the dead. I submit my life to you now, so that I can serve your kingdom and live the fulfilled life you have for me. Thank you, God. Amen”


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